Easy customer entry and administration; Search functions for customer number, telephone, name, road, place or local part; Definition
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123- Pizzataxi V3.5 (Bringdienstsoftware incl. Fahrten- u.Kassenbuch) 3.5 FREE DOWNLOAD
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Easy customer entry and administration; Search functions for customer number, telephone, name, road, place or local part; Definition of entfernungsstufen; additional input of remarks (as note for the distribution driver); easy article entry and administration; 5 price levels with the articles; unlimited number of value-added tax categories possible; simply accommodation of the orders; add further linings, or removal of individual linings insertion of advertisement on the calculations: They can let a slogan (e.g. supply of the week) of up to 140 characters in two lines display down on your calculations; Search for customer (customer number, telephone, name) in the purchase order form possible; New customers from the purchase order form; Order totals display in the purchase order form; Display to the number of orders of the customer with order accommodation: so you can make with collecting main of a certain, freely from you definable, number of orders a bonus gift for good customers; Display of the minimum purchase order value with the order accommodation; Definition of discounts; Driver and vehicle selection in the purchase order form; Calculation printing A4 and A5; Kitchen list print; Definition of minimum purchase order values; Definition by lower-quantity surcharges those that invoice amounts to be included automatically, if the minimum purchase order value is not achieved; for the individual price levels know statements of size odrt names to be determined; Driver commission can be determined; Daily account; Day`s receipts; several statistics; Statistics ` customers` turnover `; Statistics ` total sales months ` statistics ` total article conversion `; Statistics ` yearly article conversion `; Statistics ` monthly article conversion `; Statistics ` daily article conversion `, or freely definable period; Statistics ` article conversion with extras `: from this statistics you can infer, which articles are sold predominantly with their original linings, and with which removes linings, or to be added. so you, additionally to the other statistics, can determine, which linings (added) your customers to require; Checkout book integrates; Transfer of the daily turnover into the checkout book; Incomes and outputs in the checkout book enter and administer; Income or output (gross amount), description, date, document number and account number as well as VAT rate can be input or selected; Vehicle park administration; Entry and administration of the vehicle specifications;
Pizzabringdienstsoftware, the special solution for all bringing services. The complete solution for Pizzabringdienste, Pizzataxi and Pizzaservice. Snap and simple order acceptance and order handling inclusive. Customer and bill of fare administration plus driver account on provisionsbasis. Calculation printing in DIN A4 and A5. various statistics and print functions round the program off those highlights of Pizzadienst on a Blick:· simple operation, · create a bill of fare (now FIVE price levels moeglich), · bill of fare prints, · plus minus field for added down or in addition e.g.: Minus mushrooms (-1,50DM)· create a customer file with extensive search functions, · customer file print (after numerous Sortierkriterien), · orders enter (with calculation printing in two Formaten), · new printing options: They can select between immediately printing (a copy in each case) and side view (number of printouts can be determined), · now also with time-of-day on the calculation, and refer to for the Auslieferungsfahrer· selection/definition of the VAT rate for each articles now, · quantity discount or other price deductions can be selected or input, · selection of the distribution driver directly with the order accommodation or in the evening during the account, · determine to the driver commission in the evening during the account, · all orders can after the daily account be deleted in the evening, · determination and printout of the daily turnover (if necessary separated according to distribution drivers and numerous other Statisitken.
read more about 123- Pizzataxi V3.5 (Bringdienstsoftware incl. Fahrten- u.Kassenbuch) 3.5
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ShowMe Software | 3531KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $24.95 | Downloads: 1985
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